

SNMPTN (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri or National Selection of State Universities Admission) abiDec by all State Universities that has been settled on by the Indonesian State Universities Chancellor Assembly and held in an integrated and simultaneous system. The cost of convening SNMPTN is borne by the Government, so applicants are not charged a fee. For complete information on the schedule, registration methods, and other things, see the official site of SNMPTN:


SBMPTN (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Nasional or Joint Selection of State Universities Admission) is a national selection based on written test/skill examination. For the applicants, this joint selection is beneficial as it is more efficient, inexpensive, and flexible. This is due to a cross-regional mechanism. For complete information on the schedule, registration methods, and other things, see the official site of SBMPTN:


To admit prospective students who have academic ability and skills to attend and complete the education on time, as well as to expand learning opportunities, Universitas Negeri Malang hold an online independent selection for Diploma (D3) and Undergraduate (S1) programs. There are three types of test 1) for Academic and Non-Academic Achievement, 2) Computer-Based Test (TBK or Tes Berbasis Komputer) and/or Skill Selection Test, and 3) SPAJ (Seleksi Program Alih Jenjang or Matriculation Test). For complete information on the schedule, registration methods, and other things, see the official site of