Multicultural Society Discussion: "Indonesia is the Earth of Diversity"
Poor- The Center for Pancasila Studies (P2P) UM, which operates under the direct supervision of the UM Rector, once again held regular discussions by inviting two speakers from State University of Malang (UM) and Universitas Brawijaya (UB). The activity raised the theme "Religious Conflict in a Multicultural Society", the two speakers, namely I Wayan Suyadnya, SP, M.Sos., A lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UB and Dr. Yusuf Hanafi, M.Fil.I., a lecturer at the Faculty of Letters (FS) UM managed to thoroughly discuss the theme given. The theme of this discussion (24/6) is based on problems circulating in a modern multicultural society, where these problems are increasingly complex. The activity which was attended by most of the UM lecturers was held on Lt. II Gedung S4 P2P UM, located on Jl. Veteran.
In his speech, Drs. Slamet Sujud Purnawan Jati, M.Hum., As the Chairperson of the UPT P2P UM, expressed his ideas about the current condition of multicultural society.
"In modern multicultural society it becomes very complex. This is the result of an external culture, a new culture because there is an unstoppable access to communication and information which results in an increasingly pluralistic culture, ”he explained.
According to I Wayan Suyadnya, SP, M.Sos., Today's multicultural society tends to link issues of difference with religious issues that develop into conflicts between religious communities that circulate both domestically and abroad. I Wayan Suyadnya, SP, M.Sos., Explained the religious conflicts that occurred in Indonesia, such as the conflicts in Aceh, Poso, South Lampung, Sampang, and so on, based on his research conducted in the Papua area and four other places in Indonesia. the pacific region does not find the root of the problem that originates from religious problems.
Dr. A. Rasyid Al Atok, M.Pd, MH, former Chairman of the UPT P2P UM added, "The current conflict is caused by individuals who are less relaxed in religion. Don't fight for any reason that will injure religion, ”he said.
Dr. Yusuf Hanafi, M.Fil.I., emphasized "Indonesia is a land of diversity, but still one. The cause is Pancasila, Subhan Allah there are still one, ”he explained. He also emphasized that to deal with diversity is to ta'aruf and it takes the same ideals in the state.
Reporter: Salsabila Indana Zulfa-UM Public Relations Internship