Habib Ali Al Jufri with the Rector of the State University of Malang (UM)

Poor- State University of Malang (UM) became one of the state universities attended by moderate figures and international aswaja experts, namely Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Al-Jufri in a series of da'wah trips while in Indonesia. The Da'wah of Habib Ali from the United Arab Emirates was packed with public lectures and interactive dialogues held by LP3 UM. This time, Habib Ali's da'wah was entitled Strengthening Moderation in Religious Life. The public lecture which was attended by all mass organizations, scholars, and students in Malang was held in the hall 9th Floor Graha Rectorate UM.

In this public lecture, he explained how to become a moderate Islam and confirm Islam, whether the Islam we believe in is moderate, whether our treatment is moderate, and the historical origins of moderate Islam.

Habib Ali Al Jufri is explaining material about moderatism

On this occasion Habib Ali also invited all Muslims to fend off an immoderate Islam because in essence many Arab countries have been controlled by the Wahhabis and other groups, so that they are no longer moderate. In addition, in this era, religion has been dominated by political interests.

"The word moderate (washatiyah) does not mean being in the middle between two things. Sometimes we define moderate as neither on the right nor on the left. Moderation is sometimes defined as something that is not harsh, indecisive, and not soft. The meaning is not much laxity and not much violence, so that we are swayed and we are a moderate group. This is one of the meanings, but by itself it is not enough to define it, ”explained Habib Ali (3/12).

Public Lecture and Interactive Dialogue with Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Al-Jufri

He also added that moderation is essentially something that can connect the heart and mind with an agreed standard. The groups that control the world today are radicalism and terrorism groups. Terrorism and radicalism groups not only originate from Islam, but terrorism and radicalism exist in all religions. So it is wrong if terrorism is associated with religion, especially with Islam because terrorism has nothing to do with any religion because the teachings of any religion do not teach about murder or terrorism.

Reporter: Salsabila Indana Zulfa-UM Public Relations Internship

Photographer: Nuri Riskian-Internship Public Relations UM