Menristekdikti Inaugurates the Soft Opening of GKB, the 4-in-1 IsDB-UM Project
Poor. Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak officially opened the Soft Opening of the Joint Lecture Building (GKB) State University of Malang (UM) on Tuesday (03/09). The building construction, which is a 4-in-1 Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) project, has entered its 51st week with an achievement of 54% and is planned to be completed in June 2020.
The event was held on the 1st floor of GKB UM and attended by the Mayor of Malang, Representatives of the Mayor of Batu, the Chancellor of Brawijaya University, the Director of PIU 4-in-1 IsDB and all UM leaders at faculty and university levels.
The Joint Lecture Building, explained the UM Rector, consists of two buildings that have the same typical features as 9 floors. He occupies a land area of MU with an area of approximately 39,640 m2 with a floor area for the two buildings of 44,917 m2.
"The use of 9 floors for each of the buildings, including floors 1 and 2, are used for car parking areas, laboratories, lecturer rooms and lecture rooms. Meanwhile, floors 3-7 are used for classrooms, seminar room, reading room, lecturer room, library and common space area. Furthermore, floors 8-9 are used for the auditorium room, multipurpose room, seminar room, testing center room, and language laboratory, "explained Prof. Dr. Hah. Rofi'udin, M.Pd., as UM Chancellor in his speech.
In addition, this twin building is also equipped with a garden, amphitheater, power house building, rainwater channels, river plengsengan, parking for 2 and 4-wheeled vehicles, and pedestrians.
Minister of Research and Technology, Mohammad Nasir hopes that the construction of the two buildings will be completed well, all will be safe until the end of construction. He also expressed his gratitude to various parties including the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the Detail Engineering Design (DED), and all officers working in the field.
"The UM campus is already amazingly good. Next is what does the campus provide for the country? As a campus that concentrates on Learning University, UM is expected to continue to improve learning innovation. We do not demand much, only how UM can educate the nation's children with increasing quality every year, "he ordered.
Gallery Soft Opening of the 4-in-1 IsDB-UM Joint Lecture Building
Reporter: Ulya Aziza Fitriya - UM Public Relations Internship
Photo reporter: UM Public Relations