
Malang- For most people learning physics is a very difficult thing. This scientific field studies the properties and symptoms of objects in nature which are implemented through formulas. But now there are some tips to make it easy to understand physics in an integrated and coherent manner, so that you are able to apply and solve problems effectively. Through several approaches to explain a large number of complex natural phenomena with a small number of laws and principles, physics is no longer a scourge for students and students.

This was disclosed by Prof. Dr. Sutopo, M.Si, Professor in the Field of Physical Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), State University of Malang (UM) who was confirmed as a professor of UM, Monday (14/1/2019), in the Hall of Graha Rectorate UM floor 9. In his inaugural speech he raised the title "Facilitating Students to Understand Physics in a Meaningful and Coherent Way: Challenges and Alternatives".

“In my research, I found a lot of things that don't fit the place. So far, the formulas in physics have been memorized. In fact, the formula is a way to understand something in more detail. This means that learning physics is not just memorizing formulas, "said Prof. Dr. Sutopo, M.Si

According to him, there are several things that hinder the process of absorbing knowledge. One of them is the inequality of understanding in studying physics. This is based on the knowledge that students get from school with the character of the teacher in the learning process.

"The theory that was obtained previously was a difference in understanding and a long experience. Much is made and remembered based on personal assumptions, and is not in line with existing physics. In my research I call the naive theory. The explanation of the resulting natural phenomena is often incompatible with scientific explanations, "he explained.

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Sutopo, M.Si discussed three aspects related to learning Physics, namely: relating to the naive theory of students, which is related to language, and related to mathematics in physics.

Meanwhile, UM Rector, Prof. Dr. AH. Rofi'uddin, M.Pd, motivated other lecturers who had not reached professors to continue to be enthusiastic about getting professors. UM has provided the widest possible space for UM lecturers to carry out research activities.

"Ladies and gentlemen, UM has opened the widest possible opportunity for lecturers, both PNS and non-PNS lecturers to conduct research. Let's make the best use of this opportunity. Because the task of a lecturer is not only teaching, there are demands for research and community service or tridarma, "explained the UM Rector.

Confirmation Streams Prof. Dr. Sutopo, M.Si as Professor of UM