100TH SPECIAL GRADUATION, UM Graduated 1,401 Students
Poor. The 100th Graduation Ceremony of State University of Malang (UM) took place at Graha Cakrawala on Sunday (6/10). The graduation which started at 08.00 WIB was attended by the UM Chancellor, Senate Chair, all senate members, alumni association heads, structural officials, lecturers and educational staff, all student functionaries, as well as all invitees, and graduates and their families. the event which was opened by the Chairman of the Senate of UM Prof. Dr. H. Suko Wiyono, SH, M. Hum and continued with the graduation report submitted by Prof. Dr. Budi Eko Soetjipto, M. Ed., M. Si. As Deputy Chancellor 1 UM.
The 2019 UM 100th graduation was attended by 1,401 graduates consisting of 39 students of the Doctor of Education program; 130 students of the Master of Education program; 9 students of the Master of Education program; 757 students from the Bachelor of Education program; 433 students from Non-Education Undergraduate programs; and 33 students of Non-Educational Diploma III program. With the increase in graduates in this 100th Graduation Ceremony, UM has successfully graduated 132,124 students, consisting of 1,775 Doctoral program students; 9,749 Masters program students; 83,177 undergraduate students; 1,628 PPG program students; 16,980 students of Diploma III program; and 18,815 students from non-degree programs.
Of the number of graduates, 4 students successfully graduated with the best achievement in university level academics, namely graduates with the highest GPA and length of study on time at a certain level of education. The four best graduates are Anggara Dwi Wahyu Ramadhan, A.Md, with a GPA of 3.75, 6 semesters of Diploma III Automotive Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Judiciary With Praise; DianFatma Supriyanti, S.Pd, with a GPA of 3.92, 8 semesters of study; Bachelor of Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Judiciary With Praise; Yohannes Bhakti Agustiawan, M.Pd, with a GPA of 3.99, and 4 semesters of study; Postgraduate Education Masters Program, Faculty of Education, Judiciary with Praise; Dr. Adjunct Purwanto with a GPA of 3.99, and 6 semesters of study; Geography Education Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Judiciary with Praise. Meanwhile, graduates with the best achievement in the non-academic field at the university level were Nabila Mumtaz Gumintang, SE, Development Economics Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Economics.
In the Chancellor's speech. Prof. Dr. AH. Rofi'uddin, M.Pd gave a message that these 100th graduates would face various challenges that were not light and enter a new phase, namely the Industrial Revolution 4.0 by developing new literacy, namely Data Literacy, Technology Literacy and Human Literacy. These three literacies must be mastered by university graduates in Indonesia, including UM graduates.
Reporter: Riki Pratama - UM Public Relations Internship
Photo Reporter: UM Public Relations Internship Documentation Team