Implementation of UTBK 2020 in New Normal Conditions
Number: 09 / sipers / ltmpt / VI / 2020
Implementation of UTBK 2020 in New Normal Conditions
Jakarta LTMPT 2020. The implementation of UTBK in the new normal condition (new normal), must still prioritize the HEALTH AND SAFETY of all components involved, by strictly implementing standard health protocols. UTBK implementation must also pay attention to the status of the Covid-19 pandemic development in all PTN UTBK Centers and obtain permission from the Covid Task Force in each region.
In accordance with the direction of the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Chairperson of the Indonesian PTN Chancellor's Council, to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 infection and prioritize the safety of participants and organizers, the following policies are presented.
1. The implementation of the UTBK Test per day is changed from 4 (four) sessions to 2 (two) sessions, with details of time changes: (a) Session 1, 09.00 - 11.15 Local Time; and (b) Session 2, 14.00 - 16.15 Local Time. A time lag of 2 hours 45 minutes is used for the implementation of the health protocol at the change of sessions.
2. The UTBK test will be carried out in two stages, namely: (a) Phase I, on July 5 - 14 2020; and (b) Phase II, 20-29 July 2020. The SBMPTN announcement will be held on 20 August 2020.
3. Participants who are still (domiciled) outside the province / district / city and cannot attend the PTN UTBK Center location where the test is located for safety and health reasons and the UTBK Center who has not been able to administer the test for one reason or another, will take the UTBK Test at the location of the Additional UTBK Partners, in the local area. PTN UTBK Center collaborates with SMA / SMK / MA Partners who meet the requirements.
4. Rescheduling and relocation of the test site will be carried out by the LTMPT and the PTN UTBK Center and will be informed to all UTBK-SBMPTN Participants through official information channels.
5. Participants are invited to log back into the LTMPT portal to print the New Participant Identity Card. The printing time of the New Participant Card will be further informed on the LTMPT page.
Thus, this Press Release is officially conveyed to schools, students and the community so that it can be understood and utilized properly.
Thank you to Mr / Ms / Mrs Journalists who have participated in disseminating this press release.
Jakarta, 24 June 2020
NIP 196508061992031002
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