Lecture System
Student study activities can be carried out in the form of theoretical lectures, practicum, field work, or a combination of the three forms. The theory course aims to study and strive for student mastery of theories, principles, concepts, and generalizations related to a field of study. Practical lectures aim to apply theory in limited conditions and situations, while fieldwork aims to apply theory to real situations in the field. The three forms of lectures can be carried out through face-to-face activities (direct communication from student lecturers), structured (guided assignments), independent learning activities, and online-based learning.
Course awards are regulated in the Semester Credit System (SKS). The Semester Credit System is learning that uses semester credit units (credits) as a measure of student learning load, study load for study program units, and lecturers' workload in learning. The Semester Credit System uses semester time units in one academic year consisting of odd semester, even semester, and intermediate semester. Semester credit units (credits) are a measure of student learning load per week per semester through various forms of curricular activities in the learning process, a measure of the total student learning load in a study program stated in the curriculum, and a measure of lecturer's workload in learning which consists of planning, implementation, and learning assessment.
Beban belajar yang dihargai 1 sks setara dengan 170 menit per minggu per semester. Kegiatan pembelajaran dapat berbentuk kuliah, responsi, tutorial, seminar atau pembelajaran lain yang sejenis, praktikum, praktik studio, praktik bengkel, praktik lapangan, dan/atau bentuk pembelajaran lain yang setara. Alokasi jam kegiatan pembelajaran dalam 1 sks per minggu untuk semester gasal dan genap sebagaimana pada tabel berikut:
Activities | Look at it Advance (minute) | Duty Structured (minute) | Activities Independent (minute) | Practice | Total |
Lectures, responses, tutorials | 50 | 60 | 60 | – | 170 |
Seminar, or other similar learning | 100 | – | 70 | – | 170 |
Practicum, studio practice, workshop practice, field practice, research, community service, and / or other forms of learning equivalent | – | – | – | 170 | 170 |
Semester is a unit of activity time for 16 effective weeks including Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) and Final Semester Examination (UAS).
Semester antara adalah satuan waktu kegiatan perkuliahan selama 8 minggu efektif dengan jumlah pertemuan sebanyak 16 kali, termasuk UTS dan UAS. Semester antara dilaksanakan untuk memberi kesempatan mahasiswa memperbaiki nilai, menempuh matakuliah KKN, KPL nonkependidikan, skripsi, atau tugas akhir, dengan jumlah sks paling banyak 9 sks. Semester antara dapat diikuti oleh mahasiswa yang tercatat sebagai mahasiswa aktif pada semester genap tahun akademik berjalan. Matakuliah yang disajikan pada semester antara ditetapkan oleh ketua jurusan/koordinator program studi. Alokasi jam kegiatan pembelajaran dalam 1 sks per minggu untuk semester antara sebagaimana tabel berikut:
Activities | Look at it Advance (minute) | Duty Structured (minute) | Activities Independent (minute) | Practice | Total |
Kuliah, responsi, tutorial | 100 | 120 | 120 | – | 340 |
Seminar, or other similar learning | 200 | – | 140 | – | 340 |
Practicum, studio practice, workshop practice, field practice, research, community service, and / or other forms of learning equivalent | – | – | – | 340 | 340 |
Based on Malang State University Rector Regulation Number 24 of 2020 concerning Education Guidelines for State University of Malang, 2020 Edition, the learning management system at UM is managed in a Learning Management System (SIPEJAR). SIPEJAR is a learning service system that facilitates lecturers and students to hold lectures. Planning and implementation of learning prepared by the lecturer can take the form of face-to-face and / or online lectures. Online lectures can be held at least 30% of the number of meetings in one semester. Learning activities (assignments, portfolios, evaluations) and learning activities (journals, attendance) are recorded on SIPEJAR.
Perkuliahan mahasiswa program diploma III dan sarjana didasarkan pada kurikulum tahun 2020, yang merupakan seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai capaian pembelajaran lulusan, bahan kajian, strategi, dan penilaian yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan program studi. Kurikulum 2020 mengikuti pedoman pendidikan tinggi yang menjadi dasar penyelenggaraan program studi yang tersusun atas:
- kelompok Matakuliah Dasar Pengembangan Karakter (MDPK) yang terdiri dari sub kelompok matakuliah wajib universitas dan matakuliah penciri UM;
- kelompok Matakuliah Keilmuan dan Keahlian (MKK), yang terdiri atas matakuliah inti keilmuan, matakuliah iptek pendukung dan penciri prodi dan matakuliah Dasar Keilmuan Pendidikan (MDKP), termasuk didalamnya merupakan matakuliah wajib fakultas dan program studi;
- kelompok Matakuliah Peminatan dan Pengembangan Diri (MPPD) yang terdiri atas matakuliah pilihan sesuai peminatan yang dapat diambil di dalam atau di luar prodi (transdisipliner).
The Basic Character Development course group aims to shape attitudes, values, and skills as a performance of UM graduates. Group of Science and Expertise Subjects, which are compulsory subjects for faculties and study programs, are aimed at producing primary abilities in the mastery of knowledge, attitudes and skills related to their authority and responsibilities.
The group of elective and self-development subjects, which consist of elective courses taken either inside the study program or outside the study program (transdisciplinary), is a course that aims to develop self-capacity in accordance with student interests to form the integrity of the required performance capabilities. Compulsory courses are subjects that must be taken and passed for completion of study. Elective courses are subjects that can be selected.
Kurikulum program diploma III terdiri atas:
- Kelompok Matakuliah Dasar Pengembangan Karakter (MDPK) dengan beban sebanyak 12 sks;
- Kelompok Matakuliah Keilmuan dan Keahlian (MKK) dengan beban sebanyak 84-90 sks; dan
- Kelompok Matakuliah Peminatan dan Pengembangan Diri (MPPD) dengan beban sebanyak 12–24 sks (transdisipliner).
Struktur kurikulum program pendidikan diploma III diatur lebih lanjut oleh ketua jurusan/program studi.
Kurikulum program sarjana (S1) terdiri atas:
- Kelompok Matakuliah Dasar Pengembangan Karakter (MDPK) dengan beban sebanyak 12 sks;
- Kelompok Matakuliah Keilmuan dan Keahlian (MKK) dengan beban sebanyak 100-115 sks;
- Kelompok Matakuliah Peminatan dan Pengembangan Diri (MPPD) dengan beban sebanyak 15–30 sks (transdisipliner).
Kurikulum program sarjana berisi muatan bidang keahlian di luar kesarjanaan yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya. Struktur kurikulum program sarjana diatur lebih lanjut oleh ketua jurusan/koordinator program studi yang dituangkan dalam katalog jurusan/program studi.
Kurikulum program magister (S2) terdiri atas matakuliah wajib umum, matakuliah wajib program studi, dan matakuliah pilihan. Struktur kurikulum program magister diatur dalam ketentuan tersendiri oleh dekan/Direktur Pascasarjana, ketua jurusan dan/atau koordinator program studi.
Kurikulum program doktor (S3) terdiri atas matakuliah wajib umum, matakuliah wajib program studi, dan matakuliah pilihan. Struktur kurikulum program doktor diatur dalam ketentuan tersendiri oleh dekan/Direktur Pascasarjana, ketua jurusan dan/atau koordinator program studi.
Students in order to pass a certain educational program must complete the study load (number of credits) in accordance with the level of education taken. The study load for diploma III education program is 108 credits. The study load for high school input undergraduate education program is 146 credits. The study load of non-high school input undergraduate education programs depends on the number of credits recognized from the previous education program. The study load of the master education program is 36 credits. The study load of the doctoral education program is 42 credits.
The deadline for completion of diploma III, undergraduate, master and doctoral programs is determined based on the length of study. The study period is the time required by a student to complete his education program, starting from the time he is registered as a UM student. Study leave and intermediate semester leave are not taken into account in the accumulated length of study. The study period for the diploma III education program is 6 semesters and a maximum of 5 years. The study period for the SLTA input undergraduate education program can be taken in 8 semesters and a maximum of 14 semesters (no study extension after semester 14). The study period for non-high school input undergraduate education programs can be taken in 2 semesters and a maximum of 3 years, depending on the amount of study load that must be completed. The study period for the master program can be taken in 3 semesters and a maximum of 4 years after the undergraduate program. The doctoral program study period is taken in 6 semesters and a maximum of 5 years for master's entry. The period of study for professional education programs is regulated in separate regulations.
Students who have high academic achievements in the undergraduate program can complete their studies for 7 semesters. High academic achievement students are those who have a semester achievement index (IPS) greater than 3.00 (three point zero) and meet academic ethics.
Recording System for the Attendance of Lecturers and Students in Face-to-Face Lectures
The Lecturer Presence in Giving Subjects
- Each group of students who take one course in one room determines the group leader / class leader and a group vice chairman. The number of group leaders in one department is as much offering courses. The dean determines a list of group chairmen and vice heads with an assignment letter for each semester.
- Lecturers fill in electronic presence through SIAKAD and are monitored by the Department's Quality Assurance Team.
- The Quality Assurance Group monitors and reports to the university regarding the attendance level of lecturers, students, Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), hand out/ books, and college contracts.
- In the middle of the semester, the Quality Assurance Group also reports on the UTS, UTS discussion, return of results, the suitability of the RPP to the Work Unit, and the University, while at the end of the semester the Quality Assurance Group reports on the passing rate, GPA, and distribution of grades.
- Lecturers whose attendance does not meet the applicable provisions are required to add hours of study by the head of the department, so that the number of attendance is in accordance with the provisions (100% attend).
Attendance of Students in Lectures
- Lecturers record student attendance in lectures through SIAKAD UM.
- The Quality Assurance Group / faculty education subag / Subag TU Postgraduate verifies the recapitulation of student attendance under the supervision of the Deputy Dean I / Deputy Director I of the Postgraduate Program.
- Student attendance records are used as the basis for whether or not to take the final semester exams.
Lecture Rules
In order for lectures to run smoothly and in an orderly manner, at the beginning of each semester the lecturer in charge of the subject is required to submit a Semester Class Plan (RPS) to the department, faculty, and students and upload it on SIAKAD. In every lecture activity, lecturers are required to carry out student presence by using presence on line on the page https://presensi.um.ac.id/. Students who are not present at a lecture are required to submit a notification letter to the lecturer concerned about the reasons for their absence.
Students are required to attend all lectures in the semester concerned. If for some reason, there are lecture activities that cannot be carried out according to schedule, the lecturer is obliged to notify the students and try another time as a replacement with the knowledge of the head of the department. Students whose names are not listed in the DHK (in SIAKAD) are not allowed to attend the lectures concerned. Students help improve the quality and maintenance of lecture discipline, among others by filling out the PBM evaluation objectively and carefully at the end of each semester through an online application. on line.
Lecture Hours
Kegiatan perkuliahan dimulai pada pukul 07.00 WIB sampai dengan pukul 21.40 WIB. Masa perkuliahan tersebut dibagi menjadi 16 jam kuliah dengan diselingi 2 kali istirahat. Khusus pada bulan puasa waktunya diatur sebagaimana tercantum dalam tabel berikut:
Hour to- | Regular Lecture Hours |
1 | 07.00 – 07.50 |
2 | 07.50 – 08.40 |
3 | 08.45 – 09.35 |
4 | 09.35 – 10.25 |
5 | 10.30 – 11.20 |
6 | 11.20 – 12.10 |
7 | 13.10 – 14.00 |
8 | 14.00 – 14.50 |
9 | 14.55 – 15.45 |
10 | 15.45 – 16.35 |
11 | 18.15 – 19.05 |
12 | 19.05 – 19.55 |
13 | 20.00 – 20.50 |
14 | 20.50 – 21.40 |
Hour to- | Fasting Month Special Lecture Hours |
1 | 07.30 – 08.05 |
2 | 08.05 – 08.40 |
3 | 08.40 – 09.15 |
4 | 09.15 – 09.50 |
5 | 09.50 – 10.25 |
6 | 10.25 – 11.00 |
7 | 11.00 – 11.35 |
8 | 13.00 – 13.35 |
9 | 13.35 – 14.10 |
10 | 14.10 – 14.45 |
11 | 15.15 – 15.45 |
12 | 15.45 – 16.15 |
13 | 16.15 – 16.45 |
14 | 16.45 – 17.15 |
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Assessment is primarily aimed at determining student learning outcomes to reach the level of mastery of abilities as stipulated in the learning objectives to be carried out thoroughly and continuously in accordance with the characteristics of the relevant skill education. Learning assessment is the process of collecting and processing academic information to measure student learning outcomes. Learning assessment is an integral part of the learning process which is intended to determine the level of student mastery of the competencies as set out in the curriculum for the subject concerned. Assessment can be used in a variety of ways of gathering information, whether in the form of examinations, assignments, or observations by lecturers, done on more than one occasion.
Exams for students consist of subject exams, practicum exams, comprehensive exams, thesis exams, and final assignments. Subject exams are examinations that assess the learning outcomes of the subjects in the semester concerned. Subject exams are carried out at least 2 (two) times, including the final semester exam, which is an examination of the entire course material concerned. Examination implementation techniques are regulated by the faculty based on the academic calendar. Thesis exam or final project is a comprehensive exam to assess students' academic mastery of the contents of the thesis / final project they write and the ability to defend their views and arguments from the arguments of the examining team members. This exam is specially held by a team of examiners appointed by the dean at the suggestion of the head of the department / study program coordinator. The procedure for conducting the thesis examination is discussed in the guidelines specifically provided for this purpose.
Masters programs (S2) are required to take a comprehensive exam while doctoral programs (S3) are required to take a qualification exam, in addition to a thesis exam / dissertation exam as completing completion of the study program. Comprehensive exams are carried out to assess students' mastery of the basics and foundations of expertise, specialist knowledge, and science comprehensively in accordance with the objectives and types of study programs and to find out the student's mindset as a whole. While the qualification exam is carried out to assess the mastery of research methods in the field of knowledge and material in the field of knowledge, both basic and specific in nature according to the objectives and types of study programs, in addition to reasoning abilities including the ability to make abstractions, extrapolate, systematize, and formulate ideas.
Thesis and dissertation exams are intended to assess students' academic mastery of the content of the thesis / dissertation they write, to assess the student's ability to defend their views and opinions against objections of members of the board of examiners. Students will only be allowed to take a thesis / dissertation exam after passing all the courses and other activities that are required for the S2 / S3 program, in addition to having passed a comprehensive exam / qualification.
Thesis, thesis, dissertation, and other scientific works must attach a plagiarism-free certificate. Similarity tolerance (similarity) a maximum of 30% for undergraduate programs and 20% for postgraduate programs.
The level of mastery of student abilities is measured by a measurement instrument and the results are expressed in percent. For a subject, the percent value of the students' mastery of abilities is calculated from the percent scores obtained by students in the tests they take. The level of student mastery is expressed by a range of values. The final value is expressed by the letters A, A-, B +, B, B-, C +, C, D, and E which are equivalent to the number 4; 3,7; 3.30; 3; 2.7; 2,3; 2.0; 1.0; and 0.
For diploma III and undergraduate students the minimum pass rate for courses is C, for master program students is B- (B minus), and for doctoral programs is B. The quality of student success in each semester is stated by the calculated Semester Achievement Index (IPS) based on the scores achieved and the credit weight for each subject.
The final quality of student study success is expressed by the Grade Point Average (GPA) which is calculated using the same formula as the formula for calculating the semester GPA that is applied to all subjects that have been achieved.
End of Study, Academic Degree, and Graduate Authority
Final Project and Thesis
Final Project (TA) is a scientific paper written by diploma III students towards the end of their study period based on problems obtained in work practices or other real problems.
Thesis is a scientific work which is an applied science, technology, and art written by undergraduate students towards the end of their study period based on the results of research, text study, literature review, development, or creation of a work that is carried out by following scientific principles.
Students who take the thesis must obtain at least 75 credits outside the Basic Character Development Course (MDPK) for input from high school graduates, 30 credits outside the MDPK for input of diploma III graduates and have passed research and Indonesian Language Education courses, or required subjects for majoring students English Literature, Arabic Literature, and German Literature.
Graduation and Judicium
Judicium is the process of determining and determining graduation at a certain level of study program along with a predicate based on the credit load and grades determined in accordance with the study program curriculum. Graduation registration can be done every working day after students have completed the entire credit load of their study program. Student graduation is determined based on the calculation of the number of credits that have been collected and the Grade Point Average (GPA) achieved. Based on the GPA achieved, the predicate is given for graduation or student graduation. The predicate of graduate is by honors, very satisfying, satisfactory as stipulated in the educational guidelines.
Academic Degrees and Professional Designations of Graduates
UM organizes various kinds of programs which basically can be categorized into vocational (diploma III), academic (bachelor, master, and doctoral), and professional programs. Graduates who have completed this program are given a professional designation or academic degree. Professional designations for diploma III and academic degrees for undergraduate, master and doctoral programs can be seen in the following table.
Study program | Professional Designations | Abbreviation |
Program Diploma | ||
D3 Accounting D3 Library D3 Animation Game D3 Marketing Management D3 Mechanical Engineering D3 Automotive Engine D3 Civil and Building Engineering D3 Electrical Engineering D3 in Electronic Engineering D3 of Catering D3 Fashion Design | Associate | A.Md. |
Program Sarjana | ||
S1 Indonesian Language and Literature S1 English Language and Literature | Master of Arts | SS |
S1 Mathematics S1 Physics S1 Chemistry S1 Biology S1 Biotechnology S1 Geography | Bachelor of Science | S.Si. |
S1 Mechanical Engineering S1 Civil Engineering S1 Informatics Engineering S1 Electrical Engineering S1 Industrial Engineering | Bachelor of Engineering | ST |
S1 Visual Communication Design | Sarjana Desain | S.Ds. |
S1 Management S1 Accounting S1 Development Economics | Bachelor of Economics | SE |
S1 Historical Science | Bachelor of Humanities | S.Hum. |
S1 Library Science | Bachelor of Library Science | OK. |
S1 Public Health | Bachelor of Public Health | S.KM. |
S1 Sport Science | Bachelor of Sport Science | S.Or. |
S1 Psychology | Bachelor of Psychology | S.Psi. |
S1 Guidance and Counseling S1 Educational Technology S1 Educational Administration S1 Outside School Education S1 Elementary School Teacher Education S1 Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini S1 Special Education S1 Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah S1 English Language Education S1 Arabic Language Education S1 German Language Education S1 Mandarin Language Education S1 Fine Arts Education S1 Dance and Music Education S1 Mathematics Education S1 Physics Education S1 Chemical Education S1 Biology Education S1 Natural Science Education S1 Business Administration S1 Office Administration Education S1 Accounting Education S1 Economic Education S1 Mechanical Engineering Education S1 Automotive Engineering Education S1 Building Engineering Education S1 Informatics Engineering Education S1 Electrical Engineering Education S1 Fashion Design Education S1 Catering Education S1 Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi S1 Sports Coaching Education S1 Pancasila and Citizenship Education S1 Geography Education S1 History Education S1 Social Science Education S1 Sociology Education | Bachelor of Education | S.Pd. |
Program Magister | ||
Master of Management | Master of Management | MM |
Masters in Mathematics S2 Physics S2 Chemistry S2 Biology | Magister Sains | M.Si. |
Masters in Mechanical Engineering Masters in Civil Engineering Master of Electrical Engineering | Magister Teknik | M.T. |
Masters in Economics | Master of Economics | ME |
S2 Accounting | Master of Accounting | M. Account. |
Master of Guidance and Counseling Master of Education Management Masters in Learning Technology S2 Early Childhood Education S2 Special Education S2 Outside School Education S2 Indonesian Language Education Master of English Education Master of Arabic Language Teaching Master of Language Teaching Master of Fine Arts Teacher Training S2 Mathematics Education S2 Physics Education Master of Chemistry Education S2 Biology Education Masters in Business and Management Education Masters in Economic Education S2 Vocational Education S2 Sports Education S2 Pancasila and Citizenship Education S2 Geography Education Master of History Education Master of Basic Education | Master of Education | M.Pd. |
Doctoral Program | ||
Semua Program Studi | Doctor | Dr. |
Authority of Graduates
The authority of graduates of vocational education programs (diploma III), academic education (bachelor, master and doctoral degrees), and professional education is in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.