Istiqomah when explaining how to be a good editor

Surabaya. Being a book editor requires diligence and thoroughness in understanding every text given by the author. Book editors are needed nowadays where there are so many demands from various sectors to publish books or scientific articles. Nuri Riskian, a student of Indonesian Literature, State University of Malang (UM) had the opportunity to take part in this editor class. This training took place at the Kenanga Hall of the Education Quality Assurance Institute (LPMP) East Java on Saturday-Sunday (7-8 / 3).

This Editor Class was organized by the East Java Writers' Educator Association (IPP) and MediaGuru Indonesia. The resource person in this activity is Istiqomah who is an alumni of the State University of Malang and Mislinatul Sakdiyah. The editorial training participants were 63 people who came from various agencies in East Java. Starting from teachers, principals, education practitioners to students who want to learn to edit a book.

Photo with all participants and resource persons

In addition to being taught to edit books, participants are also taught to know the correct spelling through the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI) and grammar in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). These two books are mandatory manuals for the participants before they become editors. There needs to be carefulness and persistence of participants to be able to analyze mistakes in the book.

Istiqomah explains how to be a good editor. "Editors are the first goal to guard writers' writing before entering the publisher table. There are 3 advantages to being a book editor, namely that you can previlage To read a free edited book, an editor is also capable of being a great writer, and has a great opportunity to develop, "he said.

Followed by Mislinatul Sakdiyah who explained the requirements to become a book editor. "An editor must master spelling, grammar, be friendly with dictionaries, have language sensitivity, extensive knowledge, thoroughness and patience, sensitivity to racial and pornography, flexible, ability to write, have skills in certain fields, be able to speak foreign languages, and understand codes. manuscript editing ethics, "he said.

This activity ended with mentoring for 1 month to edit several manuscripts with different levels of difficulty. Starting with the easy level to the difficult level is tested to provide book editing experience.

Reporter: Nuri Riskian-Internship Public Relations UM