Photo with UM Basketball Team After Breaking Down the LA Campus League (1)

Poor- Another achievement was made by the proud basketball team of the State University of Malang (UM) who managed to bring home the championship trophy at the event LA Campus League. This competition is a prestigious national level competition which this year was held at the Malang State Polytechnic Graha (Polinema).

The UM basketball team won 1st place for the men's team while the women's team was in the position runner-up. LA Campus League this time it was held for 5 days which took place on February 24-29. UM men's basketball team led by Christian Yuda (Accounting 2016) will compete in the national event representing Malang City on April 13-18.

Submission of Rewards to the UM Son Basketball Team

The UM basketball team, which is under the auspices of the UM basketball Student Activity Unit (UKM), consists of students from various faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics (FE), the Faculty of Sport Sciences (FIK), the Faculty of Psychology Education (FPPsi), the Faculty of Letters ( FS), and the Faculty of Engineering (FT). Christian Yuda and Erma who competed as captains in the two basketball teams managed to lead their team to become champions in prestigious events for the campus. The competition which was held in 8 major cities in Indonesia led the UM men's basketball team as winner and this is a history for the son of UM.

Contacted by the Internship team of Public Relations UM Christian Yuda as the basketball captain in the men's team, he admitted that he was very grateful and proud because he won 1st place in the event.

Photo with UM Women's Basketball Team

"We are also proud to be able to bring UM's name to become the representative of Malang City to compete in the national realm," added the Accounting student who succeeded in bringing his team to become the champion.

UM basketball team which is under guidance Coach Tatok has been practicing since the beginning of entering even semester this year to prepare for the competition LA Campus League. In addition, Christian representing the UM basketball team hopes that later he and his team can be the best in Malang City and become the pride of UM UKM with their achievements in the basketball competition.

Reporter: Salsabila Indana Zulfa-UM Public Relations Internship