Mrs. Anna, the Director of PBM UM (dressed in red) handed over the donation to
dr. Dian Suprojo Director of Kepanjen Hospital

Poor. Thursday (16/07) The Mandarin Language Center (PBM) State University of Malang (UM) handed over a donation package to the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Malang Regency in Kepanjen. Departing from the UM Rectorate Graha at 09.00 WIB, the UM group led by the Director of the Mandarin Language Center Liao Guirong arrived at the Hospital at 10.00 WIB.

The group was immediately greeted by the RSUD leadership, they were: Director of Kanjuruhan Hospital dr. Dian Suprodjo, Deputy Director of service, dr. Amukti Wahana, Deputy Director for administration and finance, dr. Benidiktus Setyo, and the Head of General Affairs and Human Resources, dr. Sigit Yuniarto.

The atmosphere of discussion between UM and Kepanjen Hospital

Also participating in this handover, the Head of the Cooperation and Public Relations Division of UM Dra. Komariyah and UM Covid-19 Task Force Coordinator, dr. Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari, M. Kes accompanied by the task force on duty. On this occasion, Dra Komariyah said that this was a form of UM's concern in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak. The donation given, he continued, was a product made by UM itself. "We care about medical personnel who are fighting Covid-19, therefore this time the donation is in the form of 60 Google Pcs, 5 boxes of medical masks, and 100 bottles of Handsanitizer," he said.

Photo with UM and Kanjuruhan Hospital

Meanwhile, Mrs. Anna - the familiar greeting of the Director of PBM UM - revealed that Indonesia is her second home after China because she has lived here for a long time. Therefore, he continued, we must help each other in conditions like this. "This is the first distribution of donations from us PBM UM, in the future we will also give it to other hospitals that need it," he said.

Photo with UM PBM and UM Covid-19 Task Force

Representing Kepanjen Hospital, dr. Dian Suprodjo as Director appreciated UM's actions which helped handle the Covid-19 outbreak by distributing donations. "We represent the big family of Kepanjen Hospital, would like to express our deepest gratitude to UM for the donations given, I hope this donation will be useful for our medical personnel in particular," he said.

Reporter: Arya Wahyu Pratama - UM Public Relations Internship

Photo reporter: Fakhrun Nisa - UM Public Relations Internship