The process of taking an oath of office under the Koran

Poor-The Faculty of Economics, State University of Malang (UM) 8/6/20 has inaugurated the Head of Accounting Masters Study Program, Dr. Nurika Restuningdiah, SE, M.Si., Ak., CA who replaced Dr. Eka Ananta Sidharta, SE, MM, Ak.CA., CFrA. The inauguration this time was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Dr. Cipto Wardoyo, SE, M.Pd., M.Si., Ak., CA in the FE Building Hall. This activity was attended by representatives of Deka I, Deputy Dean II, Deputy Delkan III, Head of General and Finance Bureau and invited guests. 

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics in his speech said, "because I got the mandate from the Chancellor to do the inauguration, then yesterday afternoon, I called the Chancellor what message I gave at the inauguration of new officials. The message was singled out, namely Implement the Tupoksi as well as possible. "

The process of signing the minutes of inauguration

"The first task is to coordinate the Masters in Accounting Study Program, going forward it will be tough, because I see facts. For 2020-2021 students, it is still below the previous level. This still has a chance to improve, God willing, there are duties in the main duties and functions, "he said.  

"If you look at the level of graduation on time, I see that the S2 Accounting study program has a longer approval period compared to the Masters in Economics Education and Masters in PBS. I'm not comparing with Masters in Economics. From here, there is something that must be addressed. This is the second task that Mrs. Niruka must carry out. Later, how will Mrs. Nirita identify students from 2019-2020 and 2019-2019 and so on, I think it can be accessed at, how many postgraduate students have expired and two semesters in a row or more are not registered . This is what Mrs. Nurika must do as quickly as possible. This is her second task, "he explained.

Head of Master of Accounting Study Program, Dr. Nurika Restuningdiah, SE, M.Sc., Ak., CA (right) looks happy after being inaugurated

"Third, because UM is currently dealing with PD Dikti whose number of students is recorded at PD Dikti with 41 thousand students. However, in the UM database there are around 32-33 thousand, the difference is around 9-10 thousand, including the task of Bu Nurika. However, Nati was helped by her friends to check the number of students. Bu Puji has already combed the S2 Accounting students yesterday and later Mrs. NuriKa can help, "he explained.

"A tough task. Fourth, next year the Accretditation of S2 Accounting Study Program is finished, based on experience, it takes one year to compile a form. Therefore, starting today, make work programs one, two, three, four and so on. For the accretditation form, now nine criteria are used, the template can be seen and uploaded is MM, that's the main function, "he said.

Officers continue to refer to the covid-19 prevention protocol
in the implementation of the inauguration

"Of course this main task and function can be successful, if the person concerned has a high commitment. Thank you, the Chancellor, thank you, "he concluded.

Author: Budiharto - UM Public Relations