
Poor. The Covid-19 pandemic currently occurring in the world has had accompanying effects, in the order of life. The business world is experiencing difficulties especially because of this pandemic. The Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Malang (UM) held an online socialization forum based on the Zoom application on February 10, 2021.

This event was opened by Dr. Supriadi, M.Kes, as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs at FIK UM who explained that people's behavior plays an important role in breaking the Covid-19 transmission chain, because the host (where Covid-19 breeds and the media of transmission) of Covid-19 is human the following are transmitted through human interactions.

"The role of K3 in the framework of work safety is important, especially to implement the 5 M Health protocol (1) to maintain distance, (2) wash hands, (3) wear masks, (4) stay away from the crowd and (5) limit mobilization and interaction. “Sometimes people forget and don't obey wearing masks, they feel safe when we meet close friends at the office, so we forget to keep our distance and take off the masks, even though our close friend has recently been infected with Covid 19 and has become a person without symptoms (OTG). Finally, in that location it becomes a Cluster, we and several other friends who were originally healthy become infected, and transmit it to others, or the language is easily transmitted. This protocol must be strictly adhered to, monitored, and disciplined in the workplace. " Explained Dr. Supriadi, M.Kes.

The first speaker, dr. Erianto Fanani, MKK, who is a lecturer at FIK State University of Malang, explained that wearing a mask must also be in accordance with the Health protocol, that is, if you are with colleagues, please wear a mask and keep your distance.

"There are many who still believe that Covid-19 does not exist. If this is the case, then it is appropriate for us to apply even more strongly, namely 5 M (1) maintaining distance, (2) washing hands, (3) wearing masks, (4) staying away from the crowd and (5) limiting mobilization and interaction. In short, Covid-19 starts out as a bat, then jumps to humans. "Obviously dr. Erianto Fanani, MKK

"It spreads through the nose and mouth, so what must be closed is the nose and mouth, because that is the source of the spread. The virus collects in the bridge of the nose and throat, the main evidence being the SWAB and PCR tests taking samples in the bridge of the nose and throat. To stop the Covid-19 pandemic, there are Covid-19 measures, the most effective of which are (1) quarantined patients, and (2) disinfecting rooms and objects. Another solution is substitution, namely replacing workers with machines or remote assistant (robot based and online). " Continued dr. Erianto Fanani, MKK

The second speaker, dr. Syamsul Arifin, MKK gave an explanation about the current condition of Covid-19 in East Java. He explained that the Covid 19 pandemic in general in East Java and other cities had been so severe.

"It can be said, people with any profession when they come home from work are required to apply the 5 M Health protocol and when they come home from work they are asked to clean their bodies first, followed by shampooing and brushing their teeth and using mouthwash and then interacting with the family. The public must obey this, because the incoming data shows that both the general and field hospitals are almost full. " Obviously dr. Syamsul Arifin, MKK

Author: Ferril Irham Muzaki, M.Pd - Lecturer at KSDP FIP State University of Malang

This webinar can be viewed replay at the following youtube link