Remarks from the Dean of FMIPA UM

Poor- State University of Malang (UM) continues to make improvements, both at the center and at the faculties at UM. One of the faculties that is always making improvements and improvements is the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). Where on March 10, the ASIIN international accreditation socialization was held by inviting speakers from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).

Remarks by FST UNAIR Representatives

The opening activity was carried out in the FMIPA UM Meeting Room, O1 Building, Floor 2. Meanwhile, the socialization activities were carried out in their respective departments, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Science Education. The activity was attended by the Dean of FMIPA UM and representatives from each department, such as the Head of Department and Head of Study Program as well as several representatives of FST UNAIR.

A warm welcome from all FMIPA UM leaders to FST UNAIR representatives was seen at the lunch banquet provided before the event started. In addition, the atmosphere at the opening was very familial, a little joke at the speech given by the Dean of FMIPA UM was greeted with laughter from the whole room. Starting from the visit of the Dean of FMIPA UM to UNAIR, he planned the desire to sharing regarding ASIIN International accreditation, which is also a form of recommendation from the leadership of FST UNAIR.

Opening atmosphere of ASIIN International Accreditation Socialization

"We met the Vice Deans I, II, and III. He advised me, 'Sir, AUN-QA is just training, continued ASIIN sir'. So, then we contacted UNAIR to be invited to UM ”. Prof. said. Dr. Hadi Suwono, M.Si as Dean of FMIPA UM in his speech.

After both parties introduced their ranks, the UM professor invited the department leaders to sharing freely related to ASIIN International accreditation with representatives from FST UNAIR. Therefore, these activities were continued in their respective departments in order to reveal the problems or difficulties experienced and find solutions.

Reporter: Salsabila Indana Zulfa-UM Public Relations Internship