
Poor. Kelurahan LPDP State University of Malang (UM) together with Kelurahan LPDP Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang successfully implemented the 2020 LPDP Scholarship Clinic on Sunday (01/03) at Sasana Budaya UM. The event this time has a high interest from various groups which was marked by the expiration of 700 tickets in 6 hours.

UM Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Budi Eko Soetjipto, M.Ed., M.Si opened the LPDP scholarship clinic officially and expressed his great appreciation to the LPDP for providing easy access for the community and contributing to Indonesia in continuing education. "This is a form of appreciation for the LPDP because it has provided an opportunity to continue study, a career so that it can contribute to Indonesia, "he explained.

The scholarship clinic with the theme "Culture of Innovation and Collaboration to Face the Era of Disruption" was chosen in order to answer the challenges amid the current global uncertainty.  This activity was inspired to prepare a generation that innovates and is able to collaborate in an era of disruption. The generation who innovates in this case is a generation that has productive, creative, and competitive characters who are ready to face the challenges of the future.

This activity is packaged in interactive dialogue sessions and simulations which include administrative selection, computer-based selection (SBK), and substance selection. The interactive diaolog was attended by several resource persons such as Tri Susilo (Secretary of the LPDP President Director), dr. Gamal Albinsaid (CEO of Indonesia Medika and 50 Most Impactful Social Innovator - Global Listing), Gadis Kartika Pratiwi, M. App. Ling (Founder of Deaf Storytelling / Awardee LPDP Monash University, Australia), Lely Miftachul Khasanah, S.Pd (LPDP UM Urban Village Awardee Coordinator), Muh. Abdi Hasanuddin S., ST (Coordinator of Awardee Kelurahan LPDP UB) and Muhammad Rizal Falaqi, S. Pd. (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Urban Village Awardee Coordinator).

There is an administration selection simulation where participants are given knowledge in the form of tips on writing essays and tricks to get TOEFL scores according to the LPDP requirements. In the SBK simulation, participants are explained about the implementation of the selection and types of SBK questions. In the substance selection simulation, participants get an overview of the implementation of the academic interview and nationality.

The scholarship clinic is also filled with a Scientific Writing Competition which was won by UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Airlangga University, and Malang State University. The implementation of scientific writing competitions and orations is expected to encourage students to take an active role in scientific publications. 

Reporter: Siti Nuradilla - UM Public Relations Internship

Photo reporter: Fakhrun Nisa - UM Public Relations Internship