Chairman of P2KP LP3 UM Dr. Lia Yuliati, M. Pd. when explaining new information related to the Sipejar content uploading procedure

POOR - The Institute for Educational and Learning Development (LP3) State University of Malang (UM) held a workshop related to refresher and development of multimedia-based Learning Management System (Sipejar) content aimed at pioneering lecturers on (8/1) online. This activity was attended by 80 teaching staff representing each faculty with directions from several relevant educational staff, including the Head of LP3 UM Drs. I Wayan Dasna, M.Si., M. Ed., Ph. D., Head of the Center for Curriculum and Education Development (P2KP) LP3 UM Dr. Lia Yuliati, M. Pd., And Head of UPT Mahmuddin Yunus, S. Kom., M. Cs.

This workshop activity was preceded by a general explanation by the Head of P2KP Lia Yuliati about the latest information on the Sipejar access procedure related to uploading a Learning Study Design (RPS) for teaching staff, then continued with a more detailed explanation of the use of new features on Sipejar which was explained by the Chairperson of UPT Mahmuddin Yunus, then carried out a group discussion about how technicians fill out learning content preceded by a foreword by the Head of LP3 I Wayan Dasna.

Head of UPT Mahmuddin Yunus, S. Kom., M. Cs. at the time of explaining
use of new features in Sipejar

The Head of P2KP UM, Lia Yuliati, explained that the Sipejar access refresher workshop aims to create updates to the ease of access of Sipejar as she also said that Sipejar has been equipped with several new features. "The addition of this new feature is being carried out because it is currently in our country right "Independent Campus" is being implemented so that it is very possible that the courses at UM will be taken by students outside UM, "he explained.

He also added that so far students outside UM who wanted to take part in lectures at UM were usually done manually with login Academic Information System (Siakad) and must be registered first as a UM student so that it can be directed to the courses you want to take. Therefore, the addition of several new features to the Sipejar is expected to make the procedure for taking courses at UM by students outside UM to be more practical.

"In the future, it is hoped that this will no longer be done manually but by activating the 'Independent Campus'," he continued.

This has the consequence that the courses being taught by the lecturer must have been uploaded to Sipejar. Then, the Sipejar application will be connected to the Spada application so that when students are registered for the Merdeka Campus activation. They can directly take the desired course if the quota for the course has not been met.

Through this workshop, he informed that Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Budi Eko Soetjipto, M.Ed., M.Si. has distributed letters to each coordinator of study programs to prepare various debriefings that will be offered to students other than UM students. "In this regard, the lecturers in the study program or department need to hold a return on how the technicians fill Sipejar. And the Sipejar filling will be optimized for the uses of several activities in Sipejar such as Assignment, Label, Lesson, and others." He explained.

Reporter: Afica Dela Vega - UM Public Relations Internship