Dr. Mu’arifin, M.Pd selaku Wakil Rektor III UM

Poor. State University of Malang (UM) is increasingly establishing itself as one of the best universities in Indonesia. After successfully entering Cluster 1 of the best Higher Education in Indonesia in 2020, now in the field of student affairs, UM is ranked 7th National. This achievement is a proud achievement, because in the previous year (2019), UM was only able to rank 19th in the National.

The ranking of student affairs is carried out nationally by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). There are 4 parameters used in the assessment, namely Institution, Recognition / non-competition, Independent Competition and Belmawa Competition. "Based on these 4 parameters, MU is able to maximize its potential so that it will be able to increase the UM ranking in 2020," said Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd as UM Vice Rector III.

The decline in the UM ranking last year was due to problems in terms of data synergy and integration. This resulted in an unsatisfactory UM rating. "In 2019, the data collection and analysis of student affairs has not been carried out in an integrated manner and involving all existing units. In other words, the synergy of units in MUs is still not optimal. Reflecting on this problem, as an effort to increase rankings, efforts were made in managing student data, namely by optimizing the functions of all units in UM, so that they are more integrated and show high synergy. The next effort is to develop a systematic and continuous student work program that is directed and focused on the Student Affairs Ranking Management Information System (SIMKATMAWA), "explained Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd.

In line with that, Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd also added that for the sake of ranking it must be instilled sense of belonging to all MUs, namely a sense of belonging to ME and a sense of concern for the quality of ME. Thus, it is hoped that a sense of responsibility will emerge to maintain the good name of UM. That this ranking is not only the responsibility of the person entrusted with a structural position, but also a collective responsibility.

 "Our policies are compiled together, both socially top down as well buttom up to get a high ranking. To strengthen all of these efforts, we develop regulations related to student affairs, for example the Student Activity Information System (SIMAWA), the Chancellor's regulation on recognition, namely recognition of student achievement is equal to relevant academic activities, then we also issue the Chancellor's regulations to increase work productivity. students, namely GEMAKARSATA (Student Movement for One Work One Year,) "said Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd. With this effort, it has been proven that it can significantly improve UM student affairs to be ranked 7th nationally

Regarding future student programs, Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd targets quality improvement on 2 things, namely processes and products. In the process, it is directed at increasing the synergy between units and the more integrated all data in MUs. For this purpose, a technology-based application system is needed which is handled by the PTIK unit, so that all data can be collected and easy to access.

"Apart from that, it is also important to issue regulations that support student activities. Urgent regulations are issued concerning 3 things, namely appreciation, recognition and special services. With a good process, it is believed to produce a good product too, "said Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd.

Dr. Mu’arifin, M.Pd. juga menyampaikan pesan kepada seluruh civitas akademika dan tenaga kependidikan UM untuk bersama memberi kontribusi dalam pemeringkatan secara nasional. Kepada para pemangku kebijakan bidang kemahasiswaan Dr. Mu’arifin, M.Pd menyampaikan agar terus kompak dan semangat dalam melakukan pembinaan, dan kepada mahasiswa beliau berpesan tetap aktiv mengikuti  kegiatan kemahasiswaan tanpa mengesampingkan kewajiban menjalankan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Kepada fungsionaris organisasi kemahasiswaan (Ormawa), Dr. Mu’arifin mengharapkan adanya program kerja yang lebih baik dan memberi kontribusi yang nyata  pada pemeringkatan universitas. Ormawa diharapkan menjadi wadah yang kondusif dalam membina mahasiswa agar menjadi sosok yang potensial untuk mengharumkan nama UM.

For the achievement of the proud achievements in student affairs this year, Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd stated: "This achievement is the result of hard work and smart work of all parties, therefore I would like to thank all those who have supported and made this student achievement a success. Thank you to all students who became the main figures in competing to defend the name of UM, thanks to the Lecturers of the Development Team in the field of reasoning, interest and welfare talents, Thank you to the UM Student Affairs Manager, namely the Deputy Deans and Education Personnel in the Student Affairs, "the Deputy concluded. UM Rector III.

Pewarta: Muhammad Zaid Al Khair – Internship Humas UM