Checking the body temperature of each UM community who will carry out activities in the campus area

Poor. State University of Malang (UM) has formed an alert officer unit coronavirus disease 2019 or coronavirus disease 2019 in order to tackle the spread of the corona virus which has a pandemic status. This task force was formed as evidence of UM's responsiveness to protect the entire UM academic community from COVID-19.

Among the services provided are 1) being ready for 24 hours if there is a complaint from the UM family, 2) being a reference if there are People Under Monitoring (ODP) or Patients Under Monitoring (PDP), 3) sterilizing all buildings and rooms, 4) ) establishing health protocols, 5) completing hygiene facilities in each environment starting from hand sanetizer, dry tissue, and trash cans.

dr. Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari, M. Kes (dressed in blue) and dr. Erianto Fanani, S. Ked.
when giving counseling in a talk show related to the prevention of Covid-2019

Today (18/03), two doctors from the UM COVID-19 task force team provided counseling that will later uploaded on UM's official Youtube channel. dr. Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari, M. Kes and dr. Erianto Fanani, S. Ked gave an explanation about the origin of this virus, how it spreads, as well as how to prevent it. dr. Erianto revealed that Social Distance (social distancing) for 14 days is an effective way to prevent the spread of corona.

"Therefore, if a student returns to his hometown, he must stay there for 14 days for the common good," he said. dr. Shendi advised the public to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle, maintain a nutritious diet, if someone experiences illness, don't delay contacting the health service.

One of the UM security guards checked her temperature

Based on the circular letter of the UM Chancellor issued on March 16, 2020, there are several things that must be considered by the entire UM academic community in the context of tackling the spread of COVID-19, including: 1) lecturers to condition lectures in a network or on line through Sipejar or other media, 2) avoiding mass groups that exceed 10 people, 3) lecturers and education staff if there are no additional assignments, it is advisable to stay at home. Starting today (18/03), body temperature checks will also be carried out when entering the campus area at all UM gates (Jalan Semarang, Jalan Surabaya, Jalan Cakrawala, Jalan Sumbersari).

Reporter: Arya Wahyu Pratama - UM Public Relations Internship