Prof. Rofi`uddin when giving his speech

Poor. Rector of the State University of Malang (UM) Prof. Dr. AH. Rofi`uddin, M.Pd held a meeting with lecturers for Candidate Civil Servants (CPNS) to provide guidance to CPNS as UM lecturers for the 2019 formation, at the Graha Rectorate Hall by implementing strict Covid-19 health protocols on (4/02) . The event was also attended by Plt. Head of General and Finance Bureau and Deans from each faculty.

In his speech, Prof. Dr. AH. Rofi`uddin said that there were 27 CPNS people who had been officially accepted as employees and 3 of them had completed doctoral education, so the other 24 are also expected to be able to immediately continue their education until they get a doctorate degree. "I hope that the 24 CPNS lecturers who have not yet received doctoral degrees can immediately continue their education until they get a doctorate degree, if they can study abroad," he said.

Signing of SK by each lecturer

Prof. Rofi`uddin also explained some of the obligations of CPNS lecturers if they had been accepted as permanent employees. Among them, each lecturer must produce articles that can be usedpublish in international journals, running the Tri Dharma of education with a broader implementation of its targets, and maintaining its ethics both when dealing with students and with fellow lecturers.

At the end of his speech, Prof. Rofi`uddin advised all CPNS lecturers to continue to be productive both in writing scientific papers and research, because UM was included in the first cluster of the best PTN in Indonesia. "Continue to work honestly, because UM will support all activities related to academic improvement," he said.

symbolic submission of employee decree by the Rector to representatives of lecturers

This event ended with the symbolic handover of the SK from the Chancellor to the representatives of the CPNS lecturers, as a sign that they had officially become civil servant lecturers at UM and continued with the signature of the SK by each CPNS lecturer.

Reporter: Luthfi Maulida Rochmah - UM Public Relations Internship