
Poor. Addressing environmental issues and phenomena in the community can be used as part of interesting research. How could I not, publications in various fields of science in the last six months, contain many articles related to pandemics. Thus, articles related to the pandemic increase the chances of international publication.

This new challenge during this pandemic must be resolved with the right solution. In order to ward off the situation and conditions that are currently being confined, Short Training VI is here as a bargain as cold as the current pandemic phenomenon. The topics raised in this event were tailored to the needs of academics, namely Tips for Translating International Publications in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The event which was held by the Muslim Student Association of State University of Malang (Himmpas UM) on Wednesday (21/07/2020) was attended by various universities. Semarang State University (Unnes), Muhammadiyah Palopo University and Mersin University in Turkey also registered. Even though it was held online, the enthusiasm of the scholars who attended was very excited.

The presentation of material that is distinctive and sharp ala Dr. Ahmad Taufiq and Dr. Sunaryono, is a delicious spice in eating the ins and outs of publication. Obviously, tips and tricks for finding a journal of interest to the structure of scientific papers are explored in no time. The use of multiple web addresses and supporting software such as Mendeley and Zotero is also emphasized. Another plus point, the importance of participating in national and international conferences is also given to the participants. The chairman and staff of the UM International Publication Acceleration Team managed to invite lots of questions at the end of the session.

The publication of scientific articles is indeed not an easy thing, but that does not mean it cannot be realized. Himmpas UM fully supports the potential of UM scholars and is sure that the pandemic period will not ignite the enthusiasm for the publication of the UM academic community. Appreciation for the performance of Himmpas UM was directly conveyed by Dr. Ahmad Taufiq during the activity.

Not only the right strategy, but righteous intentions, hard work and constant prayer are also fundamental factors in the publication process. With the addition of collaborative writers and the latest innovations, perfect works become easier to write.

At the end of his presentation, he explained that research in the field or laboratory to obtain data does not have to be forced during this pandemic. Review articles are one solution that can be done. The activity was carried out without big capital, enough laptops and a solid team to read hundreds to thousands of articles. After reading and reviewing, researcher then map opportunities, challenges, and future trends in the topics raised.

Reporter: Mifta Rahmadiyah

Student of Postgraduate Physics Education, State University of Malang