Ifa Nursanti, S.AP as Sub Coordinator of the Subdivision UM Public Relations became the host in this event

Poor. State University of Malang (UM), as a superior campus and a reference, held a Socialization of SNMPTN, UTBK-SBMPTN, Mandiri in 2021. On February 11, 2021, UM held a presentation about the UM campus to new batch of 2021 batch 2 student candidates, using the zoom which is also done live broadcast based on youtube.

In this event, Ifa Nursanti, S.AP as the Head of UM Public Relations Sub-Coordinator became the host in this event. The moderator in this activity was Dra. Hj. Komariah, as the Head of UM's Cooperation and Public Relations Coordinator.

UM Cooperation and Public Relations Coordinator Dra. Hj. Komariah, became the moderator

 "State University of Malang is a campus that offers information and communication technology based learning. In short, UM has developed various kinds of applications designed to teach students both online and offline. The UM campus is also supported by laboratories, an integrated lecture building, and what is no less important is that it has implemented a life-based transdisciplinary curriculum. " Prof. explained. Dr. Suyono as Expert Staff of UM Vice Rector 1.

Dr. Imam Agus Basuki, M.Pd explained that the quality of Malang State University graduates has been recognized even at the international level. He explained that UM graduates are recognized by multinational companies and international campuses, as well as world-class creative industries.

Prof. Dr Suyono, M.Pd (center) and Dr. Imam Agus Basuki (left side of screen)
when socializing UM Session 2 new student admissions

"UM graduates have been recognized by companies abroad. Our alumni work in an industry in Europe, to be precise the city of Berlin, the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as Australia, the United States, Chile and other countries. Many also receive scholarships to continue their studies through LPDP scholarships and various other scholarships. We also get data from tracer study that someone opens the start-up and becomes content creator with a salary using USD and Yuan. " Explained Dr. Imam Agus Basuki, M.Pd

Dr. Imam Agus Basuki M.Pd delivered material

"Many UM graduate teachers also work in schools. Starting from schools in 3T, there are also those who work in international schools, teaching Indonesian for foreign speakers (BIPA) to citizens of the United States, Japan, South Korea, etc. and there are also teachers at Indonesian schools in Saudi Arabia , Malaysia, Hong Kong and various other countries. " Continued Dr. Imam Agus Basuki M.Pd, gave an explanation of the job prospects for UM alumni.

"Therefore, do not hesitate to join UM and become part of the UM campus." Invite Dr. Imam Agus Basuki, M.Pd, to prospective UM students throughout Indonesia.

Author: Ferril Irham Muzaki - Lecturer at KSDP FIP UM

Streaming link:

Session 1

Session 2