
Poor. Two Mathematics students of State University of Malang (UM) won Honorable Mention at this prestigious event International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC) 2020. The competition which is familiarly called IMC this time is held regularly on line for five consecutive days (25-30 / 7) due to the Covid-19 pandemic. IMC is a math competition that is participated in by 34 countries around the world by presenting eight problems for participants for two consecutive days.

IMC 2020 is organized by University College London by sending several delegates and one or more Team Leaders. Each Team Leader must come from an academic position in the Faculty they represent. This competition is open to students who have taken their first, second, third or fourth year of university education with a maximum age of 23 years at the time of the competition. The scope of problems that are specifically discussed at IMC 2020 includes the fields of Algebra, Realistic Analysis and Complex Analysis, Geometry and Combinatorics.

Because it has an international title, in this competition students must use English. In this case, Hery Susanto (Team Leader), Agung Muhammad (Deputy Leader), Dwi Roudthoutillah, Muhammad Syafiq, Muhammad Nur Alamsyah, Rofiud Darojad, Dia Ayu Nazihah, and Muchamad Syaiful Faristyan became delegates at IMC 2020. Team Leader and Deputy Leader comes from a lecturer in Matemarika UM who helps in coordinating the team and becomes a jury in other teams. At the 2020 IMC, Rofiud Darojad and Muchammad Syaiful Faristyan won Honorable Mention (Honorary Remarks)

The proud results are certainly achieved with careful preparation, in line with this UM has prepared its students by holding a selection for students majoring in mathematics which are followed by batch 2019 to 2017, then selecting the best six delegates as the 2020 IMC delegates. IMC 2020 delegates will be trained regularly on line routinely.

"After the selection was carried out and six 2020 IMC delegates were obtained, we were facilitated in coaching by creating a discussion group," explained Rofiud Darojad as the Honorable Mention winner. Rofiud also explained that the guidance that was held was the same as usual by holding discussions and discussing questions related to the material at the university level mathematics Olympiad.

Author: Siti Nuradilla - UM Public Relations Internship
