
Based on the Work Implementation Agreement (KONTRAK) Number: 25 / B2.PPK / SPPK / PERMATA-SAKTI / 2019 dated 22 July 2019 between the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs and the State University of Malang regarding the implementation of the information technology credit transfer program for LPTK students in 2019, State University of Malang gets a quota of 12 students Educational Study Program. The implementation of the credit transfer program for LPTK students in 2019 will be carried out in August to December 2019 (Odd Semester 2019/2020)

A. Requirements for Student Participants in the PERMATA-SAKTI Program

Participants are students who meet the following requirements:

  1. Students are active in semesters 5 to 7 for applied undergraduate / undergraduate programs, and semesters 3 to 5 for diploma III programs.
  2. Have a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  3. The statement letter has never been subject to academic sanctions from the Head of the Department.
  4. Obtain a written permission letter from a parent or guardian.
  5. Fill out and sign the PERMATA-SAKTI Program registration form.
  6. Declared healthy with proof of Health Certificate from a Doctor.
  7. Have Health Insurance / BPJS.

B. Recruitment / Selection Mechanism for Program Participants

  1. Prospective participants register at the State University of Malang (Sub Division of UM Cooperation, Graha Rectorate Building Floor I) start date July 31 to August 7, 2019, on 08.00 to 15.00 WIB, by completing all the requirements mentioned above.
  2. State University of Malang conducted a transparent and accountable selection.
  3. The selection results are determined by a Chancellor's Decree which is sent to the Director General of Belmawa and the receiving university.
  4. The Director General of Belmawa issues a decree for the PERMATA-SAKTI program participants.

C. Program Implementation

  1. The transfer and acquisition of credit figures is carried out in a semester according to the academic calendar of the recipient university.
  2. Each participant of the PERMATA SAKTI program is at the recipient tertiary institution for 3 months.
  3. A student only has one chance to get help with the cost of the PERMATA SAKTI program.
  4. The number of semester credit units (SKS) that can be taken and recognized in one semester is between 6 - 18 credits.
  5. Participating students are required to follow the administrative, academic and disciplinary provisions of campus life.
  6. The assessment system for students participating in the PERMATA-SAKTI program is carried out by following the applicable system.
  7. At the end of the PERMATA-SAKTI program, students are entitled to receive transcripts of grades for courses they have taken signed by the authorized official as proof of transfer of credit points or other activity certificates as proof of obtaining a recognized credit score.

the Chancellor

Vice Chancellor IV,

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal, M.Pd

NIP. 196412281987011001

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Text Box: a.n. RektorWakil Rektor IV,Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal, M.PdNIP. 196412281987011001