
Participants of the National Seminar on Linguistic Corps

Poor. Although during the pandemic, the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang (FS UM) did not reduce its activities. On November 5, 2020, FS in collaboration with the Indonesian IMLA Arab Corpus Institute held a National Seminar on Linguistic Corps. The title raised by this online national seminar was entitled "Utilization of the Corpus of Language, Literature and Arts". The seminar which was attended by approximately 350 participants from all over Indonesia received positive responses from both participants and presenters.

Chairman Ittihad al-Mudarris al-Lughoh al-'Arabiyyah (IMLA) -Arab Language Teaching Association throughout Indonesia, Dr. Tulus Musthofa, Lc., MA appreciated the Linguistic Corpus Seminar like this in order to facilitate access to communication related to language matters. And he also believes that in the future, the Linguistic Corpus, especially the Arabic Corpus, can be a door to access communication with the Arab world.

Dean of the Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang (FS UM), Prof. Dr. Utami Widiati, MA, Ph.D. as the opening ceremony, he said that this National Corpus Seminar is one of the Linguistic Corpus research series, and this is the initial activity of the excellent group of the Faculty of Letters.

This National Seminar presents 3 speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, MA, Totok Suhajdiyanto, M.Hum., Ph.D, and Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd. In session I the material was delivered by Prof. Yazid, delivered material on "Recognizing Some Cultural Aspects of Our Written Text: C-SMILE & CINTA". He is the Koorprodi S2 and S3 of English Language Education FS UM and the developer of the Corpus C-SMILE and CINTA.  

In the second session the material was delivered by Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd. Koorprodi S2 Arabic Teacher Training and Development Korpus KoPIA, KorSA, and KoBaSS. the material is entitled "Utilization of the Corpus of Language, Literature and Arts". The last session with material delivered by Totok Suhardijanto, M.Hum, Ph.D. Apart from being a lecturer at FIB UI, he is also the Head of the Linguistics Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UI and the UI Corps Developer. The material presented was entitled: "Research Based on the Corpus."

This activity was moderated by Febri Taufiqurrahman, M.Hum - Lecturer at the Department of Indonesian Literature, FS UM and at the end of the activity he gave conclusions, namely: (1) in writing a thesis or scientific article there are several aspects that need to be considered, one of which is the cultural aspect, (2) ) corpus is a database that is collected in a large number, representative and balanced, and (3) corpus linguistics is not a branch of linguistics, but only a collection of methods used to process language data.

Reporter: Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd.