
Poor. Bank Indonesia (BI) representatives of Malang together with the New Generation of Indonesia (GenBI) Malang commissariat carried out the Socialization of the Bank Indonesia Scholarship Program, on Wednesday 6 February 2019 at Main Hall A3 floor II UM starting at 09.00 - 12.00 WIB. The program socialization which was attended by 100 UM students from eight faculties was aimed at increasing the capacity of the Indonesian younger generation, especially UM students. The event was attended by UM Vice Rector III Dr. Mu'arifin, M.Pd, Head of Student Affairs Drs. Taat Setyohadi, Kasubag Kesma Subur Hariono, S.Pd, and Mr. Jaka Setyawan as Assistant Director of BI representative Malang.

Dr. Muarifin, M.Pd. appreciates the good implementation of the Bank Indonesia Scholarship program. According to him, this scholarship program will improve the quality of UM students in their academic activities. "This scholarship program is likened to a symbiotic mutualism where UM is very fortunate to get this mandate to be able to help students improve the application of knowledge in the future, while BI will receive continuous charity from the scholarships given to students," he said.

"Of course UM welcomes it openly and it is hoped that a similar program will be sustainable. The existence of scholarships motivates students and gets facilities to achieve their goals. During my time as a student, I never got a scholarship because of limited communication, "he said, telling of his college years at the 1984 IKIP Malang.

"At that time, it turned out that there were many scholarships offered, including Supersemar, PPA and from banks. Reflecting on that, those of you who came to this event are lucky. Because you can listen to scholarship information from BI itself. Who knows, 50 percent of those who come can get a scholarship, "he explained.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jaka Setyawan stated that the scholarship program that was rolled out by BI had been going on for a long time. "This program has been around since 2000 after the economic crisis, and has continued until now," he said.

"Of course this program has received a good response from students, this can be seen by the increase in the number of receiving students every year. This is proportional to the amount of scholarship value which continues to increase where this year the recipient students receive Rp. 1 million per month and this is very helpful for students, "he added.

"In 2019, BI provides scholarships in three campuses in Malang, including UB, UIN Maliki and UM. Meanwhile, the number of scholarship recipients is 50 scholarship recipients per university, with a total of 150 recipients for the Malang region, of course through a number of processes that are determined, "he explained.

Not only will the recipient students receive scholarships, they will also join directly in GenBi, where each year there will be activities in the form of training programs both at local and national scales. "Of course, the program includes leadership, as well as various other programs. Can join the program to learn to write or other. The goal is that students have capacity building after graduating from college. " he said.

As for some of the requirements that must be fulfilled by students to receive BI scholarships, they must complete 3 semesters and / or take 40 credits, have a minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale 4), prospective scholarship recipients must be active in social activities beneficial to the community, Age not more than 23 years (maximum birth year in 1996), Not currently receiving a scholarship and / or in the status of an official bond from other institutions / agencies, Coming from a Pre-Prosperous Family (including a certificate from the village), Obtaining recommendation from the leadership (rector / assistant chancellor) or university officials, Willing to play an active role in the Indonesian New Generation community (GENBI) and participate in Bank Indonesia activities (include a stamped statement), Include letters of recommendation from academic or non-academic figures, Include certificates appreciation.

In addition, there are several faculties that are required for this scholarship, including from the Faculty of Economics (Department of Economic Development Studies, Management & Accounting), Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Communication Science), Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Agriculture / Agribusiness / Animal Husbandry. , and the Faculty of Engineering (Informatics Engineering).

There are so many benefits that will be received if declared as a BI scholarship recipient apart from receiving monthly educational assistance.

Reporter: Kautsar S.