UM Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. H Budi Eko Soetjipto, M.Ed., M.Si. with Prof. Muhammad Rizal Martua Damanik

Poor. The hearing between the State University of Malang (UM) and the Deputy for Training, Research and Development of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) was held on Wednesday (7/8). The activity discussed the synergy of Higher Education in supporting population programs, family planning, and family development. The activity which was held in the 8th Floor of the Rector's Meeting Room was attended directly by the Deputy of Central BKKBN Lalitbang, Prof. Muhammad Rizal Martua Damanik.

In this audience, Prof. Muhammad Rizal Martua Damanik explained about the BKKBN duties.

"The duties of the BKKBN range from prospective residents or fetuses, which are conceived, to birth from three-year-old babies (toddlers), five-year-old babies (toddlers), and growth and development from elementary school (SD) to adolescents, couples of childbearing age and becoming parents. to become a tough elderly person. And this is the main task and function of the BKKBN and becomes the BKKBN program starting from the fetus to becoming a tough elderly person.

Furthermore, Mr. Damanik explained that under the BKKBN Litbang there is the Family Development for Toddlers (BKB), through staff in the field to educate mothers and fathers to prepare themselves and their wombs, the two pillars are Youth Family Development (BKR), productive and positive youth. and BKR is a very big challenge for family problems regarding early marriage and drugs, so that these adolescents can become away and enter great parents. The third is the Elderly Family Development (BKL), which prepares great parents and does not become sickly elderly people, aka tough elderly people.

In addition, this audience activity was also attended by the Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. H Budi Eko Soetjipto, M.Ed., M.Si, who explained that MUs had already conducted thematic Real Work Lectures (KKN) and collaborated with the Central BKKBN and were already running, then UM had received a report that the thesis funding was about BKKBN and its output into articles. The MU also explores what BKKBN programs can be followed up and then made a priority for cooperation with MUs.

Reporter: Riki Pratama - UM Public Relations Internship