
Pusat Bisnis Universitas Negeri Malang sebagai pengemban amanah untuk melakukan pengelolaan aset universitas dalam rangka income generating mulai hari Selasa 2 Pebruari 2021 telah menempati kantor baru di Gedung Laboratorium Pancasila (Lapasila) Universitas Negeri Malang. Peresmian pindahan kantor Pusat Bisnis dihadiri oleh Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal selaku Wakil Rektor IV UM, pimpinan Pusat Bisnis, mantan pimpinan Pusat Bisnis dan seluruh staf Pusat Bisnis Universitas Negeri Malang.

Pusat Bisnis Universitas Negeri Malang saat ini memiliki 4 (empat) divisi, yaitu Divisi Pendidikan dan Latihan (Diklat), Divisi Properti dan Optimalisasi Aset, Divisi Asrama dan Divisi Sekolah Laboratorium. Dari 4 (empat) divisi tersebut, Pusat Bisnis memiliki 7 (tujuh) Sub Divisi. Sebelumnya, masing-masing divisi dan sub divisi berkantor di gedung yang berbeda-beda.

"The new Business Center office is an Integrated Business Headquarters, which we use to strengthen integration, strengthen synergies and optimize potential and contribution", said Drs. Moh. Ishom Ihsan, M. Pd as Chairman of the Business Center, State University of Malang. Still according to the Chairman of the Business Center that the placement of the new Business Center office is a mandate of RAPIM UM in 2020 which can only be realized by the Business Center in early 2021.

Dr. Rustanto Rahardi, M. Si as the Head of the Education and Training Division also said that the Integrated Business Headquarters provides a new atmosphere that is more motivating and creates a new work culture according to the Business Center Motto for Integration, Synergy, Optimization of Potential and Contribution.

"It is an honor for the Business Center to be allowed to occupy the Lapasila Building, State University of Malang, because we know that the Lapasila Building has intellectual traces that characterize the study of Pancasila in our country. We will keep this spirit and honor, ”said Subagyo, SE., SH., MM as Secretary of the Business Center, State University of Malang.

Drs. Moh. Ishom Ihsan, M. Pd.

Ketua Pusat Bisnis Universitas Negeri Malang