Jatirejoyoso Village UM KKN Team when planting corn seeds

Poor. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the chances of an economic, social, and political crisis. As an effort to help overcome this crisis, State University of Malang continues to hold KKN (Real Work Lectures) which is always held every year, while still applying health protocols in every activity according to the COVID-19 Edition KKN guidelines. One of the villages we visited was in Kepanjen sub-district to be precise in Jatirejoyoso Village, Kepanjen District, Malang Regency, where the majority of the population are farmers.

Therefore, students participating in KKN are still required to make work programs that aim to help overcome the problems of the village community. One of the activities carried out by students participating in the UM KKN in Jatirejoyoso Village, Kepanjen District is as a form of community service by way of students directly participating in helping the process of harvesting rice and corn in the agricultural sector of Jatirejoyoso Village, Kepanjen.

Students participating in the UM KKN helped the harvest process from Mr. Arifin's corn crop farming sector and Mr. Agus' rice crop sector. The two rice field owners immediately coached UM KKN students in the harvest process. Pak Arifin and Pak Agus guide and show each step by step in the harvest process, starting from determining the physiological (old) plants, picking corn by hand until it is released from the stalks, cutting straw, separating the rice grains from the stalks, to the process of transferring corn and rice to drying place.

Jatirejoyoso Village UM KKN Team when planting rice seeds

Besides that, UM KKN students also helped in the process branding by making educational videos aimed at students. Branding itself is also one of the important efforts that must be made to be able to provide an identity to the corn and rice agricultural sector owned.

Service efforts and Branding which has been done by 15 students participating in KKN UM Desa Jatirejoyoso Kepanjen with Field Supervisor Nandang Mufti, S.Si, MT, Ph.D. It is hoped that it can help open up greater opportunities for the results of the local agricultural sector belonging to Jatirejoyoso Village to be known by the wider community. So that it can improve the economy of the people of Jatirejoyoso Village, Kepanjen District, Malang Regency.

Author: Team KKN UM Jatirejoyoso Village

Documentation: The Jatirejoyoso Village UM KKN Team