
D-3 and S-1 program students whose parents are affected by the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic can apply for UKT payment assistance for the KIP-College Program to the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Rector of the State University of Malang with the following conditions.

A. Requirements

1. Students whose parents / tuition fee bearers experience financial constraints due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and are unable to pay UKT Odd Semester for the 2020/2021 Academic Year.

2. Students who are not being financed by the Bidikmisi Program or other scholarship programs that are financing UKT either in full or in part, with the following conditions:

a. not listed in tertiary institutions as recipients of ongoing Bidikmisi ',

b. not currently receiving other scholarships, either from the APBN / APBD or from private companies that have fully / partially financed UKT.

3. Students are active in Semester 3 and 5 for the D-3 program and Semesters 3, 5, and 7 for the S-1 program in the Odd Semester of the 2020/2020 Academic Year.

B. Submission Mechanism

1. Students submit an application to the Chancellor through SIAKAD in the format prepared atSIAKAD.

2. Students attach the following supporting documents:

a. Certificate of employment for parents / tuition fee bearers from the Village Head / Lurah;

b. Letter of Termination of Employment (PHK) from the company / agency of the parents / labor costs bearer, if any;

c. Statement letter (stamped) - format attached;

d. Photocopy of Family Card (KK);

e. Photocopy of Resident Card (KTP);

f. Photocopy of Prosperous Family Card (KKS), if any;

g. Proof of participation in the Family Hope Program (PKH), if any.

C. Schedule for Submitting Applications

1. Submission of applications

2. Data verification

3. Submission of a list of student applicants to the Ministry of Education and Culture (conducted by UM)

For further information, please contact telephone 0341-551312:

a. PNBP Subbag: psw 1163 or WA 0812 1736 6655

b. Public Relations Sub-section: psw 1152 or WA 0812 1736 6692

Thus, this announcement is conveyed for the best attention and implementation.